I’ve been reading and participating in a Facebook
conversation about cougars and/or panthers in Eastern North Carolina. There
have been many sightings in the northeast part of the state. Wild Life
authorities declare there are none of the big cats living in that part of the
state. I gathered reports from people who are positive they’ve seen the big
cats – both tawny colored ones and black ones.
Should you run up on one, even though they do not exist, be
forewarned that it is illegal to shoot or kill it. They are a protected
endangered species. It isn’t surprising that these big felines have evaded
being noticed by the game wardens. Northeast North Carolina has thousands of
acres of wilderness and food is plentiful as the deer population increases. But
occasionally someone spots one crossing a rural road or a farmer catches a
glimpse of one out in the back forty. They are there and I so want to see one!
And to further prove their existence a man caught a picture of a large black
cat on his trail cam in Washington County. He gave me permission to post it.
See for yourself – this is clearly not a house cat.